Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fairies and witches

Temple of Seti,1872
Margaret Alice Murray in her 1921 text The Witch-Cult of Western Europe describes practices by the hypothesized dwarf race of ancient Europe wherein devotees congregated in the forests and "when he is disposed to vse, hee speaketh with them vpon hyls, where as there is great heapes of earth, as namely in Dorsetshire. And betwene the houres of xii. and one at noone, or at midnight he vseth them. Whereof (he sayth) the blacke Feries be the woorst.[1566. John Walsh of Netherberry, Dorset]  

Armillaria Solidipes

Known to be one of the largest, and longest living organisms, in some instances covering 3 sq miles, and known to have been growing for 2,400 years.  Blooms in autumn.  Pathogenicity affects coastal conifers primarily.  High mortality rate in conifers under 10 yrs.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Socrates; Speech concerning madness

Socrates, in Plato's Phaedrus describes the four types of divine madness; the madness of Prophecy; from Dionysus mystic rites and relief from hardship (Possession and trance); Poetry; Love. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Traditional Egyptian God of magic.  Healers possessed the power and knowledge of sacred texts and were thought to be magicians.  His hieroglyph of two intertwined snakes still used in modern medicine.  Egyptian thought held therapy to be of four components: power or the primeval potency of the creator-god Heka; magical rituals, known as Seshaw; Sacred texts, or Rw; Pekhret were prescriptions.